Posts Tagged ‘ATT Cable’

Switched to AT&T U-Verse Lansing, MI and Now Have Nothing!

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

Recently, after I could take no more of Comcast and their $189.00 a month bill for 1 DVR and 1 Hi-Def Receiver, I decided to try the new kid on the block.

Well not so new, obviously AT&T has been around t he block,. kinda like Jenny,. But, as you may or may not know they now have media delivery much like cable.

The idea was great, more services, better equipment and half the price,. What could be an easier choice, then day one, hours and hours after he arrived we where done,. Beautiful Hi-Def, cleaner than Comcast, fast DVR services, no lag between button press and action.

It was a dream, then I went to bed.

When I awoke, I found that my U-Verse digital receiver was FROZEN. Oh, seriously, I gasped,…. one day, and broken.

at this point I called att screaming,. letting them know that it needed to be fixed or removed today. What do you know, a few minutes later it was working fine.

Two days pass, and I arrive home from work, to find a blank screen,. Apparently my u-verse box has frozen again! well this time I get the red X of death, and after an hour of phone support I find out some great news.

MY U-Verse Box Is BROKEN,. and they can ship me a new one, in the mean time, I can just piss off.. Well after screaming for a few minutes at the representative they have scheduled a tech to come out tomorrow to “take a look” and verify it’s not the install.