PHP Number format in middle of string

December 6th, 2012

Here is a quick and simple way to format numbers that are inline in a text string. It just looks better.

function betterTxt($txt){
$txt = explode(” “,$txt);
$ret = “”;
foreach( $txt as $t ){
$ret .= ( is_numeric($t) ? number_format( $t ) : $t );
return $ret;

that simple

Towing Lansing MI, Jump Start, Lock Out Service

November 25th, 2012

Looking for a hand locally, American Towing is happy to help out.

They are now the premier towing company in the Lansing Area. If you need to be towed in Lansing, or you’ve locked your keys in your car, give them a call. your Towing and Gas Delivery and Lockout Service Specialist.

Load your Kindle with .lit or .pub files Ubuntu

November 6th, 2012

So you just got yourself a shiny new Kindle,. and now you have a bookshelf full of books but not a single one on your kindle.

Do something about it,… on Ubuntu install calibre, then open click Add Book, which will add the source version, your .lit, or .pub files then click on Convert Book, and select .mobi from the drop-down list of formats. Once it’s done, click on the left, where it shows formats on mobi, it should list the file on the right, right-click on the file and select save.

To send to your Amazon library just email the .mobi file to tyour

Another E-Cig Store

October 29th, 2012

this one looks promising

Car Towing Lansing

October 23rd, 2012

Lansing’s roadservice and jumpstart companies used to be dominated by the likes of Northside and others. Now days, there is a great family run business, Amercian Towing that is happy to help 24/7.

Are you on the side of the highway, give them a call and they will come tow your car, or truck home or to the nearest service shop.

Amercian Towing is awesome, and I’ve had great luck with them bringing my stuff home.

Need gas delivery near Lansing, and they are there. Call them when you need… 517-482-1959

Thank you Sewell

October 23rd, 2012 You have an online parts catalog for my new project car!!!

BestBurgerInLansing | Lansings Best Burger

October 18th, 2012

Ok, so for years, Bonnies has been known around Lansing as the Burger Capital.. Well, that is not exactly accurate.

If you are a burger guru like I am; I’m sure you also appreciate a fresh never frozen hand formed patty. So, Bonnies only offers Lansing residents the best burger toppings, not the best burger.

This weekend I was lucky enough to try the Soup Spoon, and I’ve had my faith in burgers restored.

So if you are in or near, or traveling to Lansing, MI and want Lansing’s Best Burger, I dare you to go to the soup spoon rather than Bonnies.

Best Burger in Lansing | Lansing’s Best Burger

October 8th, 2012

Ok, so for years, Bonnies has been known around Lansing as the Burger Capital.. Well, that is not exactly accurate.

If you are a burger guru like I am; I’m sure you also appreciate a fresh never frozen hand formed patty. So, Bonnies only offers Lansing residents the best burger toppings, not the best burger.

This weekend I was lucky enough to try the Soup Spoon, and I’ve had my faith in burgers restored.

So if you are in or near, or traveling to Lansing, MI and want Lansing’s Best Burger, I dare you to go to the soup spoon rather than Bonnies.

Link for UPS Battery

October 8th, 2012


So you got your hands on a free UPS and need to get a new set of batteries,.. follow this link and good to go..

Dispensary Ann Arbor Wellness Collective

September 24th, 2012

Anyone looking for the best medical marijuana in Ann Arbor had better head to the Ann Arbor Wellness Collective here is a link

We’ve been working with the A2 Dispensary for over two years, and have seen them grow and become the top dispensary in Ann Arbor.

They provide parking, so drive on in and get your next bit of medicine today.